History and value
The most significant excavation of the Slovakian side is the Macskalyuk quarry, where a study trail has been established. Here you can study two lava overlays separated by brecciated lava. According to L. Jugovics (1934), the breccia forms the surface of the lower blanket, to which the upper current subsequently flowed. A similar breccia has remained in places at the top of the upper stream, which shows a more viscous aa-type lava. In both blankets, there is a noticeable columnar separation, but in the bottom, occasionally a separation of terraces can be observed. The base of the basalt blanket was also excavated at the northern end of the mine. Below the basalt, there is a basal breccia with pyroclastic flows and lapillic tuffs that surfaced before the lava spilled. They lie on a layer of wind-transported aeolian rock dust. Underneath the rock dust lies a thinner layer of prehistoric soil, which lies on the gravel and oblique sandstone layers of the Béna Section. The radiometric age of the basalt is 2.61 million years (Konečný et al. 1995). A younger age was determined from the EHJ-1 drilling (1.87 ± 0.1 million years), presumably a continuation of volcanism.
There is a nature trail leading from the parking lot of Somoskő NTR. The most significant excavations are indicated by information panels. Degree of protection: 2, Cseres Mountains Landscape Protection Area