The thematic tours of the Bükk National Park Directorate are becoming more and more popular at the Ipolytarnóc Fossils Nature Reserve.
The program package of the special field trips launched in the Miocén Park was announced at the beginning of the year, and many visitors are interested in them. The diverse range of tours offers a special adventure tour to the Miocene Ancient World for each month of the year, sometimes by crossing borders..
The area is the entrance gate to the Novohrad-Nógrád UNESCO Global Geopark, and also organizes memorial tours connected to the researchers of the geological assets of the area, but also peeking into the building of the trees of Bükkábrány.
47 interested people took part in the last adventure tour, coming from all corners of our small country. A group from the Bakony-Balaton Geopark also visited the Tasnádi Kubacska Hall of the geological trail and welcomed our sister geopark.
In autumn beside the usual Miocene tours the cultural heritage and geodiversity days will also be celebrated. The Mucsény log cave tours will also start again from October, but they will also commemorate the patron saint of nature conservation. It will be worth visiting the area even outside of the main tourist season, as the Miocene Park will also offer interesting weekend programs in winter.