Bánhorváti, Damasa gorge 13-15 million years ago, the area of the Uppony Mountains,was covered by sea in the Badenian, Sarmatian period of the Miocene. Clayey sediments have formed, these beachy sands, with gravelly river sediments installed. Sediment formation was interrupted 13 million years later by volcanic activity providing debris and lava rocks of andesites. The Egres Valley, which leads to the Damasa Gorge, is cut into marine and river sediments and can be felt to play a role in the structure of the area by the sediments and transformers that affect sibling selection and that come into contact and that can be changed, among other rocks. Along the deep stream valley, sediments often occurred in sediments soaked by water on clayey sliding surfaces resulting landslides. Volcanic blocks of more than 10 meter units at the site were overturned by earthquakes from their original position and two huge ones, and several different masses slipped into the valley. These “block landslides” created the Damasa-abyss regarding to the local data of the XVIII-XIX. century. Among the collapsed rock blocks, zigzag passage systems - pseudo-caves ¬ were formed, which allows the maximum length of more than 85 meters, the deepest trunk ia more than 25 meters.