THE GEOfood CRITERIA for enterprises located in an UNESCO Global Geopark

CRITERIA for GEOfood products and producers

1.Only producers or enterprises within the territory of an approved UNESCO Global Geopark are allow to use the GEOfood logo.

2.The Geopark must sent a request to Magma Geopark in order to join the GEOfood brand.

3.Each Geopark is responsible for the use of the logo and the respect for the criteria.

4. With regards to the location of the enterprises or the cultivated field/farms, each Geopark could decide if establish one buffer zone that must be contiguous to the Geopark.

5.The choice for a buffer zone must be described in the label together with the other geological information. The buffer zone choice must be motivated due to the fact that products or factory are located nearby the Geopark borders and/or due to the coherence within the geological phenomena.

6.The producers must be located in the Geopark area or in the selected buffer zone. GEOfood producers cannot be located outside the Geopark or outside the buffer zone area.

7.The raw materials that constitute the GEOfood products must come from the Geopark area (or buffer zone).

8.The raw material can be processes outside the Geopark (or-and) outside the buffer zone.


GEOfood products must have strong connection with the local Geological Heritage, specific brief information concerning this connection must be provided in the food products and in the GEOfood restaurant menus through written information (ex: potatoes or vegetables that grown in fertile sandstones which were formed by glacier movement during the last Ice Age; olive oil produced from olives grown in Jurassic marls that were deposited in the ancient Sea of Tethys, salt from the ancient Sea, bread from grain growing in the Geopark soil due to special geological phenomena, etc.).

If the Geopark chose the buffer zone it must be mentioned in the label as well.

The raw material origin must be clearly described on the label, again in connection with the geological heritage.

GEOfood producers main categories

Two general categories have been detected for establishment of GEOfood products depending on the process of manufacturing.

Raw Products, like: vegetables, nuts, meat, berries, fish, mushrooms, olive oil, honey, milk, etc.

Artisanal Products, like: Food-beverage originated from the combination or transformation of raw products that grow in the Geopark area or buffer zone. (see under: “geographical criteria”.

Fish products can be frozen but need to come from the Geopark area or buffer zone.

Added sugar or salt are allowed even though are not “coming” from the Geopark, (they do not count in the 50% for menu in the restaurants).

GEOfood CRITERIA for restaurants

1. GEOfood logo must be clearly visible in the restaurant and in the media connected.

2. GEOfood Menus must be inspired by geological heritage evidencing the importance that this feature has in Geoparks and permitting customers to enjoy Geo-heritage through the sense of taste and if possible, creating the outdoor local atmosphere in the eating area.

3. The enterprises must elaborate GEOfood menus with at least 50% of local raw products (local: originally from the Geopark area or the buffer zone).

4. The GEOfood restaurants should serve at least one GEOfood menu, seasonally or yearly based.

5. Mutual promotion within the Geopark and the restaurant selected with using of the logos, info leaflets and in the web pages (official web page, social media, press office, etc.).

6. Report yearly, or by agreement, about the activity in the restaurant to the Geopark.

THE USE OF THE LOGO (see the MANUAL for the use of the BRAND))

•The GEOfood logo cannot be changed.

•Combination with Geopark logo is recommended.

•Other local logos can be combined if connected with the Geopark philosophy.

•Combination with UNESCO logo is not allowed on commercial products.

GEOFOOD Partner geoparks